The dirty secret of the solar industry

Estimates have been updated (07/01/2023)

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25 Responses
  1. John Arthurs

    Nice work. Can you also look at wind turbines? From my back of envelope of envelope calculations, a 7MW turbine has around 11 000 tons CO2 of materials’ embodied emissions, which gives around 68g CO2/KWH assuming capacity factor of 30% and a 20 year life span. That does not include the actual emissions of transport of minerals & manufacture, transport of complements to the site, assembly on site, earthworks & roads required, ecocide emissions where the turbines are deployed in ecosystems, ecocide emissions from transmission lines, ecocide emissions from mining, loss of carbon uptake from wind farm site, from transmission lines, from mining, SF6 emissions from wind turbine… as far as I can ascertain.

    Also has some direct earth surface warming effect from air mixing.

    Don’t also forget that output decreases by 16% per decade, and output is limited by leeward density of wind turbines, and capacity credits, where useable output declines to about 5% of maximal generation as more turbines are added to the grid.

    Gas generation increases when used to balance the output, causing negligible reduction of overall emissions.

    Another issue is use of mean rather than median for capacity factor. Median is always more accurate for skewed data sets. Mean overestimates useful output.

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